Rediscover Your Strength, Reclaim Your Voice. 

Start your journey to healing and self-discovery today!

Escape narcissistic abuse; embrace freedom and self-discovery with my guided support.


If you long for so much more—be it love, career success, or emotional fulfillment—the path to what you seek is closer than you think.


Get Your FREE copy of our Ebook

Dive into the minds of narcissists with our free eBook, "Traits of Narcissistic Personalities."
This eBook provides a comprehensive overview of narcissistic traits and their effects on relationships, empowering readers with knowledge and strategies for dealing with narcissistic individuals.
Download now and transform understanding into resilience against manipulation.

Are you a woman who has endured the hardships of narcissistic abuse and is eager to embrace your full potential? If you long for so much more—be it love, career success, or emotional fulfillment—the path to what you seek is closer than you think.

If you're passionate about learning, yearning to discover more about yourself, and are willing to dedicate the time to healing, take the first step towards a transformative journey today and book your first session with Margi.


Time is precious, and with each passing moment, the chance for healing and growth awaits. Let’s start a journey together to reclaim your self-worth, heal from past traumas, and pave the way towards a future enriched with nurturing relationships and personal fulfillment


A future where you truly understand how remarkable you are. You break free from the past, regain your strength, and create meaningful connections. You experience deep joy and a sense of freedom in a life where you not only survive—you thrive.

If you are a talented, courageous, and compassionate woman who is yearning for so much more but feels stuck and in need of direction—this is your invitation to healing and growth. Begin your journey with me, and together, we will unlock the vast potential of your life!

Transform your life by stepping out of the shadows of your past, reclaiming your inner power, and forging a path toward enriching relationships, deep-seated joy, and a life filled with freedom and happiness!



"The investment you make in yourself today, will pay dividends in your life forever."

- Margi

Hey there!

I'm Margi Bowden


I understand firsthand the pain and confusion that comes with being in a relationship with a narcissist.

As a qualified Life Coach and Counsellor with 40 years of personal experience with narcissistic abuse, I understand the pain and trauma of these relationships. I can offer insight and guidance on how to avoid mistakes during a divorce and provide individuals with the tools and strategies they need to navigate the process. My knowledge of the psychological effects of trauma and my expertise in co-dependent relationships, empathic behavior and self-worth, allows me to help others heal, grow and transform their lives after narcissistic abuse.

I am here to guide and support you on your journey towards healing and a better life.


Hey there!

I'm Margi Bowden


I understand firsthand the pain and confusion that comes with being in a relationship with a narcissist.

As a qualified Life Coach and Counsellor with 40 years of personal experience with narcissistic abuse, I understand the pain and trauma of these relationships. I can offer insight and guidance on how to avoid mistakes during a divorce and provide individuals with the tools and strategies they need to navigate the process. My knowledge of the psychological effects of trauma and my expertise in co-dependent relationships, empathic behavior and self-worth, allows me to help others heal, grow and transform their lives after narcissistic abuse.

I am here to guide and support you on your journey towards healing and a better life.


Today's Reality...

Although the journey can be intense, stressful, and lonely at times, it was a small price to pay for the profound love and intense happiness I now have in my life, but never dreamed possible.

Why choose Margi as your therapist?


Partnering with Margi, means engaging with a qualified Life Coach and Counsellor, who truly comprehends your struggles. Margi's genuine empathy and deep understanding play a vital role in your journey toward healing, offering more than just support; they become a steady hand guiding you toward recovery.

Margi's therapeutic partnership offers a unique perspective that is exceptionally impactful for survivors. Her profound insights and perspective, born from her own journey, are a source of inspiration and catalyst for change in the lives of survivors.

Margi fosters a healing space, recognizing each unique recovery journey. Her client-therapist bond becomes a spark and catalyst, motivating survivors who feel heard, especially those with silenced emotions.

Margi has lived through the harrowing journey of narcissistic abuse for over 40 years. With empathy and insight from personal triumphs, she has navigated abuse across all spheres of life, empowering others with her experiences.

She is skilled in leveraging evidence-based practices, such as CBT, to navigate through trauma. Margi assists individuals in establishing healthy boundaries and rebuilding self-identity after abuse. Her coaching expertise empowers clients to set meaningful goals and realize their future aspirations and dreams, especially after experiencing abuse.


Why choose Margi as your therapist?


Partnering with Margi, means engaging with a qualified Life Coach and Counsellor, who truly comprehends your struggles. Margi's genuine empathy and deep understanding play a vital role in your journey toward healing, offering more than just support; they become a steady hand guiding you toward recovery.

Margi's therapeutic partnership offers a unique perspective that is exceptionally impactful for survivors. Her profound insights and perspective, born from her own journey, are a source of inspiration and catalyst for change in the lives of survivors.

Margi fosters a healing space, recognizing each unique recovery journey. Her client-therapist bond becomes a spark and catalyst, motivating survivors who feel heard, especially those with silenced emotions.

Margi has lived through the harrowing journey of narcissistic abuse for over 40 years. With empathy and insight from personal triumphs, she has navigated abuse across all spheres of life, empowering others with her experiences.

She is skilled in leveraging evidence-based practices, such as CBT, to navigate through trauma. Margi assists individuals in establishing healthy boundaries and rebuilding self-identity after abuse. Her coaching expertise empowers clients to set meaningful goals and realize their future aspirations and dreams, especially after experiencing abuse.


Discover You Again

Margi's  Courses, Coaching, and Community

Coaching and Counselling

Start a journey of healing from narcissistic abuse that leads you towards reclaiming your identity and nurturing self-compassion as you rebuild a life defined by your own terms of happiness and success.



Online Course

This course will give you the clarity and tools needed to break free, identify the mask of narcissists, master their language, and decode their tactics. Escape the narcissist and reclaim your life with our expertly designed 10-step program.  



Unveil the secrets to a free and joyful life with our eBooks, crafted to address the critical areas survivors struggle with. Break free from the chains of confusion. These guides are your key to unlocking a life of deep fulfillment.



Group Coaching

This is an 8-week journey to reclaim your freedom. You'll gain strength with mindset work, anticipate the unpredictable with strategies to navigate each challenge with confidence. In the company of those who understand, find solidarity and support to weather the smear campaigns and co-parenting challenges.



Private Community

More than just a community; this is an exclusive circle where you can connect with peers who truly understand your journey.  Access Margi’s expert guidance in monthly zoom calls tailored for overcoming narcissistic abuse. With powerful tools and strategies at your disposal, personal growth and resilience are within reach.


Free Masterclass

Designed for survivors of narcissistic abuse, this service provides a discreet, nurturing touch. Receive thoughtful guidance and consistent encouragement directly to your email, allowing you to progress at your own comfort level. 



What my clients are saying...



Margi's life coaching over the last few years has been invaluable to me. She has the uncanny ability to piece together the source of any challenge I may be experiencing and coaches me through the process of arriving at workable solutions. I highly recommend her to anyone wanting to sort through any life issue, whether personal or professional.



Margi is INCREDIBLE! My sessions have literally been life changing. She has helped me understand narcissistic abuse. Margi creates an extremely safe space where I feel comfortable expressing myself without holding back. Thank you, Margi, for helping me realise that I am worthy of the life I desire.



I had lost hope in finding peace and happiness. But you came into my life like a breath of fresh air, offering compassion, understanding, and practical tools to help me reclaim my life. Your support and insightful advice have allowed me to heal the wounds of the past and create a future filled with self-empowerment.

Get Your FREE copy of our Ebook

Dive into the minds of narcissists with our free eBook, "Traits of Narcissistic Personalities."

Spectrum of Narcissism: Understand narcissistic behaviors ranging from mild self-centeredness to the severe dysfunctions of NPD.

Empathy Deficit: Learn how a lack of empathy shapes the narcissist’s relationships and the psychological toll on their partners.

Manipulation Tactics: Recognize manipulative patterns, including gaslighting and exploitation, and how they serve the narcissist's needs.

Anger and Entitlement: Explore the connection between narcissistic rage, entitlement, and the consistent disregard for others' boundaries.

Self-Image and Validation: Examine the narcissist’s need for admiration and the impact of their grandiosity on interpersonal relationships.


Will coaching and counselling work for me?

Coaching and Counselling

Beginning the journey to recover your life from the shadows of narcissistic abuse can feel daunting, but remember, it all starts with one small step. And as you take that step, know that you are not alone—Margi will be there, walking alongside you, offering support and guidance every step of the way.

There's no struggle to convey the complexities of your experience with a narcissist, be it a parent, colleague, sibling, or partner. Margi has walked this path and understands intimately the journey you've been on.

You are probably feeling lost and adrift, grappling with a profound disconnection from your own identity.  There's a deep-seated confusion, an isolation that gnaws at your sense of self. You seem to be walking through life feeling uncertain, mistrustful of your own instincts, and yearning to reclaim the person you once knew yourself to be.



Coaching and Counselling

Margi's expertise lies in empowering individuals to heal from the complexities of narcissistic abuse, while helping them realize their untapped potential. Whether the narcissist in your life is a parent, partner, colleague, friend, or neighbour, Margi's expert guidance can illuminate your path towards an amazing future.

Are you ready to invest in yourself?


Are you ready to Reclaim Your Life?

Don't keep hoping that something is going to change.

Don't wake up in weeks, months or decades

and wish you had followed your gut feeling and left.