Lost your self-esteem to a narcissist - finally, a way to rebuild your life and trust again.


Designed for survivors to rebuild your self-worth and confidence.

Love your life again.





Your blueprint to rebuild self-worth, establish unbreakable boundaries.

Living Your Life with Love, Respect and Freedom isn't a Pipe Dream

Are you feeling trapped, helpless, and uncertain about your future due to narcissistic abuse? You CAN reclaim your self-esteem and take back control of your life with Free 2B Me. Many survivors find themselves doubting their worth and struggling to break free from the cycle of abuse. But you don't have to do it alone. Free 2B Me offers a structured, supportive pathway with practical tools and strategies to rebuild your self-trust and autonomy.

Start your journey to empowerment and freedom today. Ready to transform your life? Enroll in Free 2B Me now!




I speak to so many survivors who...

  • Are struggling with self-esteem issues.
    Haven't been able to break free from the toxic relationship no matter what they've tried.
  • Believe that they lack the power to exit the relationship, convinced that the narcissist holds all the control.
  • Have reached their breaking point, drowning in the relentless and destructive cycle of the relationship. 

I Tried Everything to Stop the Abuse...

I tried to be perfect or change myself to meet the narcissist’s expectations.

I thought that earning the narcissist's approval would stop the abuse.

I made excuses for the narcissist’s behaviour, convincing myself it wasn’t as bad or that they didn’t mean to be hurtful.

I sacrificed my own needs and desires to keep the narcissist happy, aiming for a peaceful relationship.

I took responsibility for the narcissist’s actions, believing I was at fault for the abuse and trying to change their behaviour.

I withdrew from friends and family who could provide support, often due to shame or the narcissist’s manipulation.

I refused to acknowledge the severity of the abuse, convincing myself it was just a phase or that things would improve.

I focused on the few positive moments in the relationship, using them to justify staying and believing the good times outweighed the bad.

I held on to the belief that the narcissist would eventually recognize their wrongdoings and change.

I tried to reason with the narcissist and have meaningful discussions about the relationship.

I relied on temporary solutions such as gifts, trips, or apologies to smooth over conflicts without addressing the underlying issues.

I avoided any confrontation or disagreement out of fear of escalating the abuse and upsetting the narcissist.

I sought help from unqualified sources and, when sharing with friends or family, I downplayed and minimized the abuse.

Are you Feeling Trapped, Helpless, and Uncertain about Your Future ?

Narcissistic abuse profoundly impacts your self-esteem and decision-making abilities, leaving you with persistent feelings of helplessness and entrapment. Many survivors find themselves making common mistakes in their efforts to cope or fix the problem, only to reinforce the cycle of abuse. These mistakes include doubting themselves, excusing the abuse, clinging to false hope, avoiding reality, fearing the unknown, becoming isolated, and internalizing negative beliefs.


I want you to know that you have the power to change your life!


Introducing Free 2B Me – Your Pathway to Reclaiming Self-Trust and Self-Esteem

I have created 6 strategies that address the MAJOR stumbling blocks that survivors need to regain their self-esteem. These are the powerful strategies and tools I used to overcome 4 decades of narcissistic abuse and have used with thousands of survivors to take their lives back and in freedom, peace and love. My course is grounded in extensive research and methodologies developed by leading experts in psychology, neuroscience, and personal development. Each module integrates evidence-based practices and proven strategies to ensure that you receive the most effective and reliable tools for your healing journey. By combining insights from recognized authorities in the field, this course offers a robust and credible framework for transforming your life.

What You’ll Gain:

Free 2B Me offers a structured and supportive pathway to reclaim self-trust and self-esteem, empowering you to break free from the cycle of narcissistic abuse. This comprehensive course provides practical tools and strategies to help you rebuild your sense of self and autonomy. Each module includes a video that explains the concept in detail, followed by practical exercises and worksheets to help you put the lessons into practice straight away. 

Reclaim Your Self-Trust: Learn to trust your own feelings and perceptions again.

Rebuild Your Self-Esteem: Develop a positive and empowering self-image.

Break the Cycle: Identify and overcome the common mistakes that keep you trapped.

Practical Tools: Access strategies and exercises that promote healing and growth.

Supportive Community: Join a network of survivors who understand your journey in an exclusive PRIVATE Facebook community, allowing you to connect with fellow survivors for encouragement and accountability.

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Enroll in FREE 2B ME today and start your journey to empowerment and freedom.

Stop making the same old mistakes. The narcissist is not going to change. You hold the power. Trust yourself and learn the strategies to reclaim your self-belief, redefine your future, and realize your true potential. With proven strategies and tools, this course will guide you step-by-step to stop making the same old mistakes and start creating the life you deserve. Your future starts now.

Time is ticking, and unless you take action now, your reality will remain unchanged in 10, 20, 30, or even 40 years.

Trust me, I know—I've been there. It's time to break free and reclaim your life. The future you deserve is waiting, but only you can make it happen. Don't let another day slip away.


Your blueprint to rebuild self-worth, and establish unbreakable boundaries.


Imagine if you could...

  • Reclaim your self-esteem and break free from a toxic relationship.

  • Redefine your future and find love, contentment and deep happiness.

  • Realize the secrets of self-empowerment.

  • Tap into the experience of true love and connection.

  • Free yourself from toxic manipulation and control.

  • Unlock your potential for personal growth and live a flourishing life.


Envision yourself...

  • Mastering the art of escaping a toxic relationship.
  • Cultivating the skill to establish robust boundaries.
  • Unlocking the power of self-empowerment.
  • Experiencing the authenticity of true love.
  • Liberating yourself from the chains of manipulation and control.
  • Revealing the keys to your personal evolution and growth.

Meet Margi

Margi, a seasoned Life Coach and Counsellor, brings a deep-seated insight into the dynamics of abusive relationships, bolstered by her own four-decade-long struggle with narcissistic abuse. Margi knows the struggle against narcissistic abuse and has a profound understanding of the silent battles fought alone in toxic relationships.

Her qualifications extend beyond her personal journey; she is adept in education and diversity, with a talent for simplifying complex concepts into clear, actionable advice. This, combined with her counseling acumen and life coaching techniques, makes her an unparalleled ally for those seeking to escape the grip of narcissistic abuse.


For over four decades, Margi lived in the shadows of self-blame. Unaware of the dangerous nature of psychological manipulation, coercive control, and narcissism, she sought help from doctors, psychiatrists, and countless therapists. Each time she received minimal support, flawed advice, and medication that barely touched the depths of her declining mental health. When she finally broke free from a long-term abusive relationship and started her profound healing journey she immersed herself in studying narcissism and its impacts. Now, driven by her passion to educate and empower others who, like her, have been failed by inadequate advice and support. She runs a thriving private practice, working exclusively with survivors of narcissistic abuse. Her message is clear: you can break free and live the most amazing life after narcissistic abuse.



If you're still suffering and the narcissist is still controlling your're doing something wrong. Trust yourself and jump in to..



YES. I need this.